Brian’s Musings
What we’re cooking, what we’re up to, etc., mostly etc.

A Few of My Faves
Perusing the lineup for next week it looks a bit like I'm cooking primarily for myself. Certainly not the case, but included (and this was not intentional) are some personal super faves. Starting with Chicken with Lemongrass and Coconut Milk Soup.

Lobster Bisque
Isaac is now 11 and was in no way harmed in the preparation of this bisque
So we have a fun lineup this week and I would love to discuss several of the dishes in greater detail. Unfortunately that would take all evening, you don't want to read that much about them, and if you didn't notice, it's gorgeous outside. The story about the first time I made tamales from scratch will have to wait. Suffice it to say they are a labor of love. Think Polish family gathering around Christmas time to crank out hundreds of hand made pierogis. That level of pain in the butt. Which I didn't fully appreciate the first time I made them for Val, which involved hours more work than anticipated, her poor little apartment kitchen totally violated, a very late meal, and a fully inebriated couple having spent hours sipping tequila and cervezas on an empty stomach. Funny story in retrospect, I don't think it seemed that way at the time, but we shall focus our attention on Lobster Bisque. Another labor of love.

Business Improvements
Pictured are Sourdough Starter Battered Cheeseballs
For me one of the silver linings of all this craziness (and you really have to try and find one, right? cause this sucks) are the projects folks are finding to occupy time and mind. I'm thinking home made sourdough will be one of the standout heroes of this pandemic when all is over. I just think it's really neat to check out the clever and creative endeavors people are getting into given the time to pursue their personal interests.